I am a real ham. I love an audience. I work better with an audience. I am dead, in fact, without one.

The more I study nature, the more I stand amazed at the work of the Creator. Science brings men nearer to God.

"You were sick, but now you're well again, and there's work to do."

“You are not a team because you work together. You are a team because you trust, respect and care for each other.”

Talented employees stay because they are: 1. paid well 2. mentored 3. Challenged 4. Promoted 5. Involved in decisions 6. Appreciated.

I'll admit I'm a workaholic.

“Life is not a one and done sort of deal. You've got to work for what you want.

“work expands to whatever time you give it.” 

Life is not a one and done sort of deal. You've got to work for what you want.

You already feel unsure of yourself, and then you see your worst fears in print. It really knocked me - which is why, I think, I was working, working, working, because I was trying to run away from the fact that I thought I couldn't do it.

Don’t overact the story of your name. Overact the story of your work.

Look I eat really well and I work out, but I also indulge when I want to. I don't starve myself in an extremist way. You're not taking away my coffee or my dairy or my glass of wine because I'd be devastated.

I find the light and work it, work it, work it.

You have a responsibility to your work, to your choices. Once you get to a certain level of quality and commitment, you don't want to go back and make Booty Call 7.

"Meet customers where they are; question how to make the tools customers use more valuable."

"What matters is not the enclosure of the work within a harmonious figure, but the centrifugal force produced by it -- a plurality of language as a guarantee of a truth that is not merely partial."

"Work stops at sunset. Darkness falls over the building site. The sky is filled with stars. "There is the blueprint," they say."

"My theory on housework is, if the item doesn't multiply, smell, catch fire, or block the refrigerator door, let it be. No one else cares. Why should you?"

"Ike was going to have to work his way into the rotation with the guys we've got back. Any rookie needs experience. It's not something you step in and dominate. The best place for that would have been exhibitions, but that's not available to us, so we have to go to Plan B."activ

"If the job market doesn't kick into higher gear soon, consumers will lose confidence and rein in their spending, and the economy will in all likelihood fall back into recession unless we're very lucky."

"Of the 2.7 million jobs lost since employment's peak, roughly a third have been lost to overseas competition, and most if not all of those jobs are not coming back, ... And that trend is going to continue."

"This should be a year where the tech market stabilizes but I don't see job growth until 2004."

"In the near term, it's a plus ... a steady source of jobs and income. In the longer term, it's an increasing amount of economic resources going to a part of the economy that may not enhance underlying productivity."

"The work force is growing not because employers are hiring a lot of new workers to staff expanding operations. The economy, in other words, is not being driven by businesses out there scouring for opportunity and revenue growth and pushing up wages as they compete to hire more workers."