Sex with love is the greatest thing in life. But sex without love — that's not so bad either.

Sex is an emotion in motion.

Sex, drugs, money, power etc. Just because you get to choose your master doesn't mean you aren't a slave.

Sexuality is half poison and half liberation. What’s the line? I don’t have a line.

I'm pretty firm in my sexuality and my love for women.

If someone had told me years ago that sharing a sense of humour was so vital to partnerships, I could have avoided a lot of sex!

"Sex is something I really don't understand too hot. You never know where the hell you are... Sex is something I just don't understand. I swear to God."

"Sex without love is as hollow and ridiculous as love without sex."

"Sex touches the heavens only when it simultaneously touches the gutter and the mud."

"Art is the sex of the imagination."

"Marrying for sex is like flying to London for the free peanuts and pretzels. It's not the point of the thing, is it?"

"Sex is good, but not as good as fresh sweet corn."

"The cheesecake was smooth and lush, with the personality of a warm and well-to-do uncle who knows a hundred dirty jokes and will die of sexual exertions in the arms of his mistress."

"Sex finds us. sex sees through us. that's why it's so shattering. it strips us of appearances."_Eric Packer"

"He wanted to fuck her loudly on a hard bed with rain beating on the windows."

"You can only be a virgin once. There can only be one first time."

"A very poor kid came up to me after a talk and said 'I want to go blow up a factory.' I asked how old he was and he said 17. I said 'have you ever had sex?' He said 'no.' I said 'just remember if you get caught you aren't going to have sex for twenty years at least.' That's not saying that one person having sex is worth the salmon. I'm not saying it's a reason not to act, I'm saying don't be stupid."

"Sex is always about emotions. Good sex is about free emotions; bad sex is about blocked emotions."

"In terms of sexual orientation I don't really feel I've changed. I don't feel there was a hidden part of my sexuality that I wasn't aware of. I'd been with men all my life, and I'd never fallen in love with a woman. But when I did, it didn't seem so strange."

"Sexual selection acts in a less rigorous manner than natural selection. The latter produces its effects by the life or death at all ages of the more or less successful individuals."

"Sex is kicking death in the ass while singing."

"I like to feel sexy. I know my husband thinks I'm sexy. I think he is too. But I don't go out half-naked with 'sex' written across my back."

"I think anything that has to do with sexuality makes people very interested."

"Sex is a big question mark. It is something people will talk about forever."