Learning about crime in great detail forces us to ask ourselves how it happened, how the victims and perpetrators got to that point, how the law works, how the police force functions.

... learning humility is a prerequisite for grace.

If you spend a lot of energy on things that are wastes of time, then you waste energy, get sick, and die faster.

I think I've grown over the years and learned about who I am and what I can do and what I can't do.

I do spend quite a bit on shoes, I've a pair of Swarovski crystal Louboutin shoes, I can never wear them but they look amazing.

Loads of my jewellery was my mum's.

Cuddly toy rabbits were a real comfort for all of my babies - once they got to a certain age they would nuzzle the fur.

You can take the stress out of Christmas by trying to be as organised as you possibly can.

I try and get all my shopping done before December so all the presents are wrapped in my lounge and ready so I can really relax and enjoy Christmas.

Christmas parties for me are less about a sparkly dress and heels and more about the most ridiculous Christmas jumper I can find.

I'm not completely straight up and down, I'm curvy, so I think I'm sort of a normal shape, wearing normal clothes.

The biggest misconception about me is that people seem to think that I want it all and that I had it all, and I walked away from having it all. That was never part of it. I never wanted it all.

There was a time where I wouldn't go out of the house without at least putting mascara on.

I talk to my mates about our kids, being too tired and being worn out.

Because I'm married and like being at home, I'm labelled as a Stepford wife.

My sister, Kelly, was really bright and academic. She was head girl of the school and at the top of her year. Because we were so different, we were never in competition. You can't be when you're almost running two different races.

I'm not going to change my entire wardrobe just because of what people have said.

I love the dresses I wear, I think they are beautiful and until I think differently, I'll carry on.

I have the same issues as the next person, but I do feel very lucky that I've been blessed with three lovely children and that I look forward to going to work, because I know a lot of people don't feel like that.

Being a mummy is definitely my most favourite job of all, without a shadow of a doubt.

All I ever wanted to be was a mum. It wasn't like when I was at school I thought: 'Oh, I'm going to be this big career girl.'

I think if you're stressed, it shows in every part of you; how you carry yourself, which then affects your pose, how you hold your face, which then makes you look stressed and so nothing looks relaxed.

I love listening to old 'Desert Island Discs' - I just sit there, switch my head off, and just have that moment.

I love Diet Coke, I drink Diet Coke... What girl doesn't like to have a Diet Coke?