In our home there was always prayer - aloud, proud and unapologetic.

How to do half-hour comedy innovatively is something I do pride myself on. We invented it with 'I Love Lucy.'

"I know many inferior guitarists who are very proud of the fact that they are as good as they are, when in fact they are only moderately good."

"I'm proud of our ability to turn things around, especially after being below par in the Ashes."

"There was no pride, pomp, or circumstance of glorious war in this poor, domestic strife, this seemingly sordid and unheroic, miserably unheroic, yet high, eternal contest!"

"I'm proud of our guys for how hard they've worked, giving everybody something to smile about. We're ready to keep going."

"I told the guys that that's a victory to be proud of,"

"Our guys take it very serious and show a lot of pride in this kind of stuff."

"I'm proud of you for the times you came in second, or third, or fourth, but what you did was the best you have ever done"

"I know that people are fascinated by what I did as a teenager, but what I did was immoral, illegal, unethical, and something that I am not proud of - nor will I ever be proud of."

"You should never be proud of doing the right thing. You should just do it."

"Funny how women are ashamed of their inner fairy whereas men are forever proudly displaying their inner cowboy or fireman"

"Don't think of retiring from the world until the world will be sorry that you retire. I hate a fellow whom pride or cowardice or laziness drive into a corner, and who does nothing when he is there but sit and growl. Let him come out as I do, and bark."

"Pride is seldom delicate; it will please itself with very mean advantages."

"Our very lives are dependent, for sustenance, on the sweat and sacrifice of the campesinos. Children of farm workers should be as proud of their parents' professions as other children are of theirs."

"A symbol is an important thing. That is why we chose an Aztec eagle. It gives pride...When people see it they know it means dignity."

"We are organizers at heart. Most of us in the movement take great pride in being able to put things together."

"With disadvantages enough to bring him to humility, a Scotsman is one of the proudest things alive."

"Nothing is ever done beautifully which is done in rivalship: or nobly, which is done in pride."

"In general, pride is at the bottom of all great mistakes."

"Nothing is ever done beautifully which is done in rivalship: or nobly, which is done in pride"

"I'm very proud of him, how much hard work he did to get to this point. I'm proud of him a whole lot."

"Never be too proud to get down on your knees and pray."

"And nothing to look backward to with pride, and nothing to look forward to with hope."succ